I watched Trevor Newman
prune a tree yesterday
sharing permaculture skills
with thirty seekers
He started
with a peach tree
about 8 years young
clipping branches that were turning
in on itself
like cancerous thoughts
He pruned them away
their sharp pokers no longer
threatening entanglement
of sticking inside one's own web
Instead, he trains the tree
to spiral out, spread out
and bear fruit, across many directions
for all to witness
If I didn't know better
my heart might only yell
this pruning and clipping
this cutting away
of life-draining branches
branches destroyed
Instead, I, my life force
also shouts Creation!
We Choose Our Lives
We prune and clip
with great care
what we consciously
want to nourish, fuel, create
Or, we wind up with tangled masses
of thoughts grown wild
like children raised without rules
beautiful branches so thickly overgrown
that the life hardly knows where to bloom
or whether to bloom at all
So, Trevor prunes, choosing
to direct a tree of life
with wisdom and care
He steps back from the tree
bites his lip, sees the vision
of what could be
Steps forward
clipper in hand
And begins, again. . .
to create a succulent
stable life
By: Sheryl Netzky
Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved Sheryl Netzky