Happy Mother's Day!
Today is a day to honor the Divine Feminine and Her Stories--even and especially, as we shelter in place across the globe.
I began filming videos of my mom a decade ago, when my children were all under ten years old.
One time, we were at a hands-on museum near Detroit. My three sons stacked wooden train tracks and zoomed trains across them, and I asked my mom to tell us a story. She shared, "One day I petitioned our township to put sidewalks down the main streets of our town, so the children could ride their bikes to school."
"What happened?" one of my sons asked.
"The township then installed sidewalks." my mom replied, with a calm uplift in her voice.
I had never heard the story prior. It had lived in my mom, unspoken and untold.
In that moment, memories of my brothers and I riding our bikes across that sidewalk to school, emerged in my mind. My mother had initiated that sidewalk and bike ride in ways beyond what I'd known.
As my mother told the story of her advocacy, we began to know new layers of who she is as a person and what she's valued.
Her story showed us that we come from a lineage of people who advocate for what they think is right.
So, why hadn't I heard the story before?
Our lives can hold silent spaces like that, waiting to be mined for gold.
If you're looking for a meaningful way to connect with your mother or spouse or aunt or friend today, here's an idea. . .
Ask a woman tell you a story from her life, today. . .
If your mother is still present on this physical plane, gift her your full divine presence. Ask something like, "Mom, tell me a story from your life? What was it like for you when. . .?" Be gentle. Ask something real, kind, and perhaps necessary.
Ask in a way that you hold space for her truth to fully emerge, unjudged. Hold every detail as the sacred pearl it is.
Maybe her neighbor used to fry tiny fish on the back porch and gift her some.
Maybe she used to play kickball in back alleys with her sister.
Maybe, she'll tell you she ate chopped liver right before you were born, or the address of the doorstep on which she had her first kiss, and what she was thinking at the time.
Maybe she'll share the story of . . . well, and that's the point. . we have no idea what may be living in the silent spaces within the feminine, dying to be heard, trying to be heard.
Begin to listen even more deeply as her pearls begin to place themselves sequentially on the strand of her life. Your lineage was birthed through this strand. The time is now.
I know, it can take courage to ask a real question and be willing to hear a real answer. But, what happens if we don't? (Pause here, for a breath. If you could ask anything, what would you ask?)
Amaze yourself, with the presence you can hold together.
Allow the process to shift you both into divine timeless presence within the time-space continuum. Discover the family jewels that emerge.
If your mother is not still on this physical plane, first off, my condolences. We're never too old to need a mom and a dad. Second, please do not remove yourself from this opportunity. The feminine still needs your heart's presence.
To whom might you want to ask these questions?
Your aunt? Your sister? Your daughter? Your friend?
Who has mothered you, sistered you, befriended you?
Ask, "Would you please tell me a story from your life that feels important that someone hears, knows or sees?"
With the speaker's permission, write them down. Type them up. Record them on a video call. Gift them back to the woman who shared it, as a love offering.
Or simply listen, and verbally share with her, what's touched you about her story.
As we gift our presence to the stories of the feminine, the stories of the mother, we begin to weave the human lineage pearls into strands that connect us to the places through which life births, from which creation itself births.
We all could use a little more connection to The Mother, the divine mother who holds us on these earth walks, during less certain times, during this time, during all time.
As we gift our presence, healing happens. Life is honored.
Let's go honor some life today.
As always, let me know how this goes--and yes, I really would like to know.
Send me a short note, a tiny detail, a quick story of something you discovered. You'll be amazed at what transforms, and I’d love it witness it with you!
Photo Credit: Suhyeon Choi