Rockin' Rock Ritual: Sleep

Dear Friends,

Recently I had a restless night.  I woke up at 11pm, then at 1am, 3am and again at 5am.  What I noticed, though, was that it sensed like solar flares, like energetic vibrations instead of inner turbulence.  I phoned a trusted colleague.  She experienced the same thing, plus two ultra-amazing colleagues she was sharing time with, experienced the same.  I checked NASA, and major solar flares had been recorded.  Great, I thought, intuition has been affirmed, but now how do we sensitive folk sleep?

My dear friend, Steve Pizzanello, Chicago-based yoga teacher & coach extraordinaire, shared this powerful stone ritual with me.  He had slept like a rock, from the power of intentionality and a little help from Pachamama.

"I just take a rock and breathe into it at night, and set the intention that I get a rested sleep, and that I still do my personal work during sleep.  I ask that I only be awakened if absolutely necessary, and then within minutes, I'm asleep."  Yep, that simple.  (Plus, he's a skilled genius:)

So, I committed to it.  I took a stone, a regular stone, climbed into bed and breathed my intentions into it and voila!  Slept like a rock.  Consciously dreamed about what I'm creating in my life.  I awoke refreshed and revitalized and consciously super-charging my current life dreams.

So, if you're a sensitive type, too, or are just going through a rough sleep patch, here's my adaption of this Rockin' Release Ritual tonight:

  1. Choose a stone.  A piece of grounded earth.  Something solid.
  2. Feel into what is processing through your body.  Fear about not sleeping?  Fear of rejection?  Fear of scarcity?  Fear of not getting your needs met?  What is it?  What is your big beef with the world tonight?  Feel it in your body and blow it into the stone.
  3. Set your clear intention: to do your personal work through dreamtime, to amp up your vibration, to receive the highest of what's on offer globally, to create your life on purpose, to dream your biggest dreams into reality, to sleep through the night, awakening rested and ready for your day.
  4. Breathe this intention into the stone.
  5. Anything else coming up?  Breathe that into the stone, too.
  6. Place stone on your nightstand or altar, remembering that this stone is part of Pachamama--that timeless, spaceless Mother who mulches away that which is no longer serving, who holds us on her belly during these Earthwalks, this womb space who composts refuse into vital forces.
  7. Lay your head down and get some zzzz's!
  8. (Yes, you parents of little ones out there, this can work for you, too!  Set the intent, and rock it out.)

Many of us are experiencing up-leveling vibratory shifts right now.  What a great remembrance that we are not powerless over these vast shifts.  That we can, in fact, work with them, in life-enhancing ways.  

We choose how to engage with what is, in every moment, from a clear stance and the power of intention, and, of course, a little help from Pachamama.  This is how we learn to grow our proverbial corn from cultivated power, focus and skill.

If you're sensing that your own power of intentionality could be amped up by a session of support, please trust yourself and call or email for your session or

 copyright 2013 All rights reserved Sheryl Hope Netzky

Strong Glass Houses. . .

As I read a great newsletter by Alison Normore, PhD, this morning, this phrase caught my attention, “We are becoming like glass houses. . . Practicing transparency, surrender, and shedding the past are the new normal in the emerging cycle.”  

How interesting I thought.  Usually glass houses reference the phrase, ‘Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.'  Using ancient tools for modern living, however, we begin to walk more transparently and honestly in the world, as luminous warriors with no enemies in this lifetime or the next, and we gain the awareness that people who walk with transparency need not throw stones at all.  

When we’re walking really 'clean' in the world, owning our shadow places and defusing our triggers,  we no longer need to project our unworthiness, our not 'enoughisms' onto others.  We become, as Alberto Villoldo teaches, so illuminated that we no longer cast a shadow.  We become perfect mirrors for others, without projecting our own baggage onto them.  We gain the ability to see our friends, our lovers, our family members at their essence, and hold that space for their becoming.

This time period offers each of us this opportunity.  To walk, so filled with light, so aware of our own dark spaces, that we’ve excavated them, integrated them, and illuminated them, such that we evolve from homo sapiens-ship into homo luminosity.

To expand further, what then happens, is downright time-space-contiuum warpy in the most magnificent way.  If someone were to throw a stone at a luminous "glass house", time and space would actually bend around the object.  Imagine a cartoon, where a stone is thrown, and the glass alchemizes from solid form into air, and simply opens and allow the stone to pass through and out, and then closes again, and becomes solid.  This is the alchemy that's available to us.

So, although the phrase, 'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,' has alluded many of us, as the words have hurt.  They've hurt because they've touched an old wound, and crashed into the wound's wall and lodged inside its pain.  If instead, we become as alchemical as the sun, able to transform from liquid to solid to gas, allowing ourselves to reorganize around the newness of luminosity, there's no place to which the stones stick.  This is the power of our Illumination practices.  The power to unhook the velcro loops of our his-stories, our her-stories, and begin anew.  Illuminated.

If you haven't yet experienced this, and would like to, call a Four Winds practitioner today.  If you feel called to work with me, email me at or fill out the form submission on the home page  I'd love to support your luminous wellness journey.

Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved, Sheryl Netzky

Photo of Don Francisco in Peru by Sheryl H. Netzky. All Rights Reserved, Copyright Sheryl H. Netzky.

Solstice 2012

Dear Community,

My sharing today is about a GPS.  Strange topic, I know, but oddly imperative.  

The GPS.  Mine guided me home, on Dec 20, 2012, in many ways.  I was mindlessly following directions home, when I diverted from the purple line, to stop at our community mailboxes.  Quickly, my GPS announced "redirecting route" and I froze for a moment, questioned my bearings--had a moment of "Am I going the right way" and laughed at myself.  I was in my own neighborhood, three minutes from home.

I share this story to share a laugh at my own sleepiness, but also to call upon each of our wakefulness.  As we enter this Solstice gateway, this gateway wherein the Sun stands still before reversing direction, at this unique evolutionary time that we've called the birthing, the awakening, the return to truth, the great turning over, I am reminded of how very important it is that each of us calibrate to our own inner guidance systems, these ancient advanced technologies beyond machinery and outer tools--to vibrate to our own truth, to the home inside our own hearts, such that even when someone else suggests we "redirect route", we remember our own resonance, and that we already know the way.  Perhaps, now more than ever, our ability to know home and be responsible for guiding ourselves there matters.

There is no denying that we have access to Oneness information in every moment of every day.  How deep are we willing to dive into our own internal waters to clear our internal rivers of light, such that we can access the thread of connectivity to be of highest service?  Everyone has these skills.  How will we each have the courage to tap into and bring forth our unique gifts to share with the world.  Where can we stop denying and justifying and surrender to our own truth, even bigger.  What do yours look like?  Sense like? Feel like?  Taste like?  How are you being called to bring forth your gifts to the world today?  I know you're hearing it. . .listening to it. . .sensing it.

As we transition into this next stage of human evolution, wherein our inner worlds become more and more synonymous with our outer experiences, wherein we think a thought like, "I'd really like a cup of tea," and a friend walks in and places one in our palms, we are being called deeper and deeper into trust of our internal global positioning systems, our own ancient, tapped-into-the-highest-resonance-of-truth GPS "home" barometer.  What does it sense like when yours is "on"?  How do you know?

I acknowledge that these are extreme times.  Times when we are witnessing the sweetness of peeling a clementine open, awakening our senses to nature's sweetness, and the deliciosity of conscious communities gathering to craft beeswax candles to light our ways through dark times, juxtaposed with moments of kindergarteners gunned down amidst their classmates in a close-knit Connecticut town by a twenty-year young disconnected boy, touching the global pain that hurt people, hurt people, even the innocent ones, accepting that somehow, even now, the universe is in divine order, awakening us to our own humanity, to our own need to connect and help others connect, to global grieving and the communal heartbeat of parenthood and love and teaching. 

What if this is a time to wake up to all of it?  To feel, even in painful moments when we'd most like to numb out and not look.  To feel, and still choose to open, expand and love.  To tune in and amp up our own ability to hold the light, strongly and softly.

Perhaps it's a time to recognize when we are Home, and cultivate cleaner and clearer inner sanctity.  A time to respect Home inside each other and become mirrors of grace for one another.  A time when our communities grow more and more loving.

Happy 2012 Solstice, Friends.  I am grateful to know you.

I invite you to share what your GPS is navigating you toward for 2013.  What wants to create itself through you?  If I can be of service to support you in midwifing your dreams into realities, please connect in.

Much Love,
